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hemlock woolly adelgid spread

Birds may have spread the adelgid, according to the DEC. Whitmore said once an adelgid hatches and is ready to move, its size is less than a quarter of a millimeter. HWA is a listed prohibited species under DEC's invasive species regulations.As climate change contributes to more mild winters, experts anticipate more rapid movement and increasing HWA populations. Its egg sacs, which look like cotton balls or clumps of snow, can be found at the base of needles.

Research from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station demonstrates that the lowest labeled rate is effective on trees up to two feet in diameter at breast height; larger trees require the higher labeled rates.

Both chemical and biological control options are important in the long-term fight against HWA.Dispersal and movement of HWA occur primarily during the first life stage ("crawler") as a result of wind and animals that come in contact with the sticky egg sacks and crawlers. Consider identifying individual trees or groups of trees that have special value or significance on the property and concentrating control efforts on those trees.Several pesticides are registered for control of HWA. This "wool" can generally be found year round, but it is most abundant and conspicuous in the spring when egg masses are present. Hemlock woolly adelgid is an aphid-like insect that attacks and kills hemlock trees. This funding is providing critical support for prevention, eradication, research, and biological control efforts through programs like the New York State Hemlock Initiative and Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) that protect against threats to New York's biodiversity, economy, and human health.More information on HWA, including identification, control techniques, and reporting possible infestations can be found at,Cornell's New York State Hemlock Initiative. Damage from accumulated injuries causes the needles on infested branches to dry, turn a grayish-green color, and then drop from the tree. Isolated infestations and long-distance movement of HWA most often occur as the result of people transporting infested nursery stock.DEC monitors the distribution and spread of HWA by annual aerial and ground surveys as well as reports from partners and the general public. This beetle was discovered in 1992 while feeding on hemlock woolly adelgid in its natural range of Japan. Last winter in New York was extremely mild and there is a boom in HWA populations statewide as the existing population expands.DEC is evaluating means to eradicate this infestation and prevent it from spreading. Visual inspections of the undersides of branches are the best way to tell if a hemlock is infested. Although fertilizer may improve the growth and vigor of uninfested trees, the added nitrogen also enhances adelgid survival and reproduction—.Clipping heavily-infested twigs from branches will reduce adelgid populations. The crawlers hatch in early July and settle on the new growth. It can be spread by wind, animals, and human movement of nursery stock, logs, and other wood products including firewood. The current leading biological control method of hemlock woolly adelgid is Sasajiscymnus tsugae, [originally called Pseudoscymnus tsugae]. This may seem practical only for ornamental trees, but a simple sampling system is available for forests.A number of cultural practices may reduce the risk of hemlocks becoming infested by HWA.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the confirmation of an infestation of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) on Forest Preserve lands in the town of Dresden in Washington County. DEC Evaluating Means to Eradicate Invasive Pest and Prevent Spread The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the confirmation of an infestation of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) on Forest Preserve lands in the town of Dresden in Washington County. Merit 75 WSP, Xytect 75 WSP) can be applied as a soil drench or soil injection. Control measures for forest trees are limited, but detection in the forests is important to help limit spread and increase management opportunities.This insect can be recognized by the presence of a dry, white woolly substance on the young twigs of hemlock. Crawlers hatch from April through May, and then settle on the twigs near the bases of the needles where they insert their piercing and sucking mouthparts. In mid-October feeding resumes and the characteristic woolly covering begins to develop.

HWA infestations can be most noticeably detected by the small, white, woolly masses produced by the insects that are attached to the underside of the twig, near the base of the needles.Eastern hemlock trees, which comprise approximately 10 percent of the Adirondack forest, are among the oldest trees in New York with some reaching ages of more than 700 years. Eggs and crawlers of HWA are often dislodged from hemlock twigs by wind and rain. Therefore, during periods of drought, important ornamental hemlocks should be watered to ensure that they receive 1 inch of water per week (including rainfall) over the area beneath the dripline of the crown. The insects will have little wool  in November, but should stand out against the dark green foliage of the hemlock By March the wool will be well developed. It is important to understand that periodic treatments will be necessary over the life of the infested tree to maintain its health and value as an ornamental. Therefore, directing a strong stream of water at infested branches periodically during April through July may help reduce HWA populations.Infestations of HWA often start on large hemlocks that intercept the prevailing wind or that are especially attractive to birds and other wildlife. The insecticide is applied to the bark near the base of the hemlock tree and is absorbed and spread through the tissue of the tree.

The wool covers the insect in all but its earliest life stages.

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