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kulusevski juventus

Parma had a modified line up, there were no Gervinho and Inglese, two important players, but his quality led him to be a key player in that match scoring a splendid goal. Miralem Pjanic, Gonzalo Higuain, Sami Khedira and Blaise Matuidi - all the wrong side of 30 - have either departed or are heading for the exit door, while younger blood has already been recruited in the form of,??
In fact, he could be everything the beleaguered Federico Bernardeschi has threatened to be for a couple of years now.The Swede's guile and love for spontaneity and individual moments of magic could inject a bit of unpredictability into this side, and given his ability to step up to every challenge that comes his way, there should be no fears that he could be daunted by the expectations of the champions. Juventus unveiled a player they had officially signed last season, but returned to Parma on loan for the now-concluded 2019-20 season. I really enjoyed watching him play for Sweden because I didn't know him very well, but this time I watched him and I know a great player has been signed. It's been quite the week for Sweden and Juventus star Dejan Kulusevski.The 20-year-old received the seal of approval from the nation's king, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, after the AC Milan striker described Kulusevski's absence against France as a 'f***ing joke', in a remarkable attack on his coach.Honestly, losing Kulusevski to Juve is a bigger deal to me than losing Tonali to Milan.A few days later, the winger was on the end of another series of compliments from Portuguese legend and domestic teammate. Dejan Kulusevski’s former coach Andreas Engelmark explained why the Swedish talent chose Juventus over Inter and why he believes the 20-year-old is one of the most complete young players.“No, he’s always the same smiling boy, obviously more mature. But in my opinion he can act without problems on the left: in Sarri’s tactics he would have a very clear role, for me he would be perfect as a number ten in 4-3-1-2 or as a right-winger in 4-3-3, but also on the left he wouldn’t look bad. New Juventus number 14 Weston McKennie in Turin ⚪️⚫️,Then again, I Bianconeri are willing to splash a huge chunk of their wage bill on.One deal that was completed before Pirlo's return to Turin could prove the most important in their title defence next season, though. A debut goal from Dejan Kulusevski and strikes from Leonardo Bonucci and Cristiano Ronaldo earned Juventus a 3-0 win over Sampdoria in Andrea Pirlo's first game in charge. That's right - King Kulu.The youngster was snapped up in January last year, having caught the eye with some devastating displays while on loan at Parma from Atalanta. He has a grown-up mentality, but he knows how to be very humble. Where Kulusevski will play for Juve is still up for debate, but being able to bring pace, skill and creativity to a team that is certainly lacking it, could prove to be very important. "I see great potential and great talent in him. A slalom through a row of defenders, a bolt from the blue, a lock-picking pass - he has the potential to be a match-winner week in, week out.In short, he could be the man to bring the fear factor back to I Bianconeri - and see them light up the European stage as they've desperately wanted to do for so many years. His ease and calm on the ball was frightening for a boy who had only recently escaped his teenage years, and his comfort with both feet is a lethal weapon for any forward to possess.It was evident from his 12 months on the Serie A scene, that he was far too good to be slugging it out in the middle of the pack. Four years on, Kulusevski is a Juventus player, having cost an initial €35million, and preparing for his first competitive match with the Bianconeri on Sunday, as Sampdoria visit Turin.

He can score more untidy goals and being smarter in front of the goal, maybe shooting once more instead of looking for the assist. What was plain to see last year, was that front three of Douglas Costa.It may be a touch harsh, but there is a definite weak link in that trident.The idea then, of Ronaldo prowling the left flank, Dybala acting as a false nine in the centre, and Kulusevski doing his thing on the right, is far more appealing for any Juve fan. The young Swede is joining Juve after spending last … Acting as a midfielder he shows how complete he is and his great physical and athletic qualities also stand out, he is a quality runner with the ball.
He is consistent - and consistently brilliant.When the minutes are running down, and the seconds ticking by, Kulusevski can conjure the unthinkable. He did not choose inter because the tactical position would have been more complex: he would have played mezz’ala or from the outside of the right in a 3-5-2, he would have found it more difficult to exploit his main feature of cutting inside the pitch to shoot.”,“Yes, it was extraordinary in the game against Bologna.

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