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ohio state wrestling coach scandal

Doc used to take showers with the team even though he didn’t do any workouts, and everybody used to snicker about how you go into his office for a sore shoulder and he tells you to take your pants down.”.When the first stories about the university investigation appeared this spring.After NBC News reached out to Jordan, the congressman’s spokesman repeated the denial.“Congressman Jordan never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State,” his spokesman, Ian Fury, said in an email to NBC News.Shortly after the NBC News story was published, Fury added the following statement: "He has not been contacted by investigators about the matter but will assist them in any way they ask, because if what is alleged is true, the victims deserve a full investigation and justice.”,But Kathleen Trafford of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, the Dayton, Ohio-based law firm that was appointed as legal counsel to Ohio State, said in a statement that investigators "had previously contacted Rep. Jordan's office by email and phone to request that he participate in an interview. “Ohio State has shared all additional information that has come to the attention of the university with the independent investigators whose work is ongoing.”.It’s unclear whether former Ohio State coaches or administrators could face any penalties from the university for not protecting wrestlers from Strauss.“Our efforts will continue to be focused on uncovering what may have happened during this era, what university leaders at the time may have known, and whether any response at the time was appropriate,” the university’s statement said. This is an issue about Ohio State. Multiple investigations have confirmed this simple fact," a spokesperson from his office said in a statement Friday.When reached by CNN, Hellickson declined to comment.The plaintiffs in the lawsuit do not list Jordan or Hellickson as one of the 20 named "OSU employees with authority to take corrective action to address it" who were notified about Strauss' alleged sexual harassment.Scott Smith, an attorney representing the 43 Strauss victims, said Friday the former doctor's abuse should not focus on Jordan, but OSU as a whole complicit institution. They claim a doctor was a sexual predator. And I went out and told Russ and Jim what happened. ",DiSabato later called Jordan a "coward" and closed his testimony by saying, "That's the kind of person Jim Jordan is. Ohio State University found itself mired in another scandal when the school placed its revered head football coach Urban Meyer on paid leave this week after a longtime assistant coach … Still, he said, in the discovery and deposition process, “we’ll find out who knew what.”.A spokesman for Ohio State said in a statement that the university “remains actively committed to uncovering what may have happened and what university leaders at the time may have known,” and that officials “are deeply concerned for everyone who may have been affected” by the actions of the team doctor several decades ago.Eight wrestlers have come forward and accused Mr. Jordan of turning a blind eye to the abuse of the team physician, Richard H. Strauss, who killed himself in 2005.Mr. Jordan has vehemently denied allegations that he ignored sexual misconduct, and so far he has maintained the backing of his party’s heavyweights, including President Trump, Speaker Paul D. Ryan, and Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the Republican whip.But the decision by the former athletes to sue the university means that more twists could come.“Anyone who would have been in the chain of command” or an authority figure in the university’s athletic program is “certainly someone we’ll be interested in deposing,” said Joseph Sauder, a lawyer representing one of the former wrestlers.Another lawyer, Stephen Estey, who has handled a number of sex abuse class-action lawsuits, said that his focus was more on the university and its failure to protect its students and less on Mr. Jordan.

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