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oppose in a sentence

He was strongly opposed to the idea. … Sentence with the word oppose.

Example sentences with the word oppose. 2. 2 : to place opposite or against something oppose the enemy oppose a congressional bill. We should not oppose the principle of compulsory treatment simply because it could be misused.

), meditating an attack on Pataliputra (the Palimbothra of the Greeks), was informed that the king of Magadha could,Neither Austria nor Prussia was for some time in a position to thwart it, and the sovereigns of the smaller states were too much afraid of the revolutionary elements manifested on all sides to,Bismarck then pointed out that the constitution of the empire did not authorize the emperor to withhold his assent from a law which had passed both the Reichstag and the Bundesrat; he could as king of Prussia,The Kansas-Nebraska legislation, and the subsequent troubles in Kansas, having convinced him of the futility of trying to influence the Democrats, he assumed the leadership in the North-west of the movement to form a new party to,The lead then passed to Russia, and Austria, even after the outbreak of war, did not,With the exception of the German Populists who felt that a German " Liberal " party could not well,With the rise of the Attalid dynasty of Pergamum, a system of Pergamene foundation begins to,While the guns of the citadel, those at Old Cairo, and even those of the palace of al-Bardisi, were thrice fired in honor of al-AlfI, preparations were immediately begun to,A conference of ambassadors was held in Constantinople, and the sultan was invited to quell the revolt; but he hesitated to employ his troops against Mussulmans who were professing merely to,He got the upper hand in 1892, and was recalled to,Thus began the Seven Years' War, in which, supported by England, Brunswick and Hesse-Cassel, he had for a long time to,At Rignano the indomitable Ranulf again utterly defeated the king, but in April 1139 Ranulf died, leaving none to,None the less a small ill-armed force of some 2000 men marched south; Cope did not,During the period which immediately preceded the Restoration he endeavoured to,As chancellor he had the onerous task of negotiating the queen's marriage treaty with Philip, to which he shared the general repugnance, though he could not,He had found that all his opponents had pursued one line of argument: the power to issue an Indulgence is simply one case of the universal papal jurisdiction; Indulgences are what the pope proclaims them to be, and to attack them is to attack the power of the pope; the pope represents the Roman church, which is actually the universal church, and to,It was mainly his powers of organization that enabled Gambetta to raise army after army to,Towards the end of 271 he marched through Asia Minor and, overthrowing the Palmyrene garrisons in Chalcedon, Ancyra and Tyana, he reached Antioch, where the main Palmyrene army under Zabda and Zabbai, with Zenobia herself, attempted to,In July 1880, a few days after the proclamation of Abdur Rahman as amir at Kabul, came news that Ayub Khan, Shere Ali's younger son, who had been holding Herat since his father's death, had marched upon Kandahar, had utterly defeated at Maiwand a British force that went out from Kandahar to,He was for the most part merely a tool in the hands of the Committee of Union and Progress, and though he was supposed to dislike the pro-German policy of Enver Pasha, he was unable to take any effective steps to,Seleucus, after a war with Chandragupta, determined to ally himself with the new power in India rather than to,But this intervention, embodied in the "Andrassy Note" (December 1875) and the Berlin memorandum (May 1876), met with the stubborn opposition of Turkey, where the "young Turks" were beginning to,The patrician Nicetas, count of Opsikion, who sought to,The Imperial Guard and all other troops in the centre, 80,000 strong and covered by a great mass of artillery, moved forward to the attack; and shortly the allied centre, depleted of its reserves, which had been sent to,It was originally intended that this should eventually be extended across the territory to Cowie Harbour (Sabuko Bay) on the east coast, but the extraordinary engineering difficulties which,The re-organization of the university was also discussed, and as Wenceslaus for a time favoured the Germans, Hus and Jerome, as leaders of the Bohemians, incurred the anger of the king, who threatened them with death by fire should they,The side on which it touches that circle B C is determined by the fact that the obliquity A of the reaction is such as to,Under the fostering care of the judges, a belief sprang up that to call oneself a " Jansenist, " and,The Scottish Reformation came out of a covenant in which the barons, inspired by John Knox, then abroad, bound themselves in 1557 to,Ann., 1834, 31; 18 35, 34) among other results led him to the statement of the law by means of which the direction of the induced current can be predicted from the theory of Ampere, the rule being that the direction of the induced current is always such that its electrodynamic action tends to,The volition of primitive man was one with that of God but it becomes broken up into separate volitions which,had endeavoured to form an anti-Prussian league with Denmark; and after the defeat of Denmark he projected a Scandinavian union, in order, with the help of France, to," That Nasir Khan II., his heirs and successors, bound themselves to,The same year he turned his attention to politics and was regarded as one of the most promising young orators of the day, especially during the sessions of the diet of 1832-1836, when he had the courage to,After a time, however, the colonists, attributing the shortage of slaves and the consequent diminution in their profits to the Jesuits, began actively to,Violent accusations were brought forward, particularly against Martinic and Slavata, the king's most trusted councillors, who were accused of having advised him to,During the subsequent ministries of Korber and Gautsch the Bohemians continued to,The later Lutheran doctrine is "that man, unable as he is to will any good thing, can yet use the means of grace, and that these means of grace, carrying in themselves a divine power, produce a saving effect on all who do not voluntarily,Jesus Christ is the son of the good deity; he was sent into the world to,As the Pharisees accumulated the oral tradition which was afterwards codified and elaborated or preserved by fragments, which served some useful purpose, in the Talmud and other Rabbinic writings, the Sadducees acquired concrete regulations to,A county council has the same power of opposing bills in parliament and of prosecuting or defending any legal proceedings necessary = for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of a county as are conferred on the council m legal of a municipal borough by the Borough Funds Act 1872, with this difference, that in order to enable them to,Under the Borough Funds Act 1872 the urban district council may, if in their judgment it is expedient, promote or,in Stipa, species of Avena, Heteropogon and others the base of the glume forms a sharp point which will easily penetrate the ground; above the point are short stiff upwardly pointing hairs which,At the beginning of the year 1701 he was sent into Italy once more to,Yet his political activity was not inconsiderable, and his advice was always sound and well-considered; while in his government of the Netherlands, which he exercised through the marquis de Prie, he set himself resolutely to,His widow Alida, however, an ambitious woman of strong character, as soon as her husband was dead, hurried on a marriage between Ada and Count Louis of Loon; and attempted with the nobles of Holland, who now for the first time make their appearance as a power in the country, to,Again in command of the Army of the Potomac, he was sent with all available forces to,The era of railway construction soon swept both Fowler and his employers into its service, and one of his first employments was to,Upon the earliest arrival of Europeans the state was inhabited chiefly by the various tribes of the Miami Confederacy, a league of Algonquian Indians formed to,The kings astonishment was even greater than his indignation when he saw the late chancellor setting himself to,Thomas was selfish and incompetent, but violent and self-assertive, and for some years was able to pose successfully as a patriot simply because he set himself to,King ~~d1~t rdin Edward, hurrying south to,During this period the influence of Reiff led him to,There is another side of Shaftesbury's harmony which Butler was ultimately led to,This new departure was considered by the Russians - especially by those of the Panslavist party - almost as an apostasy, and it was decided to,The misgovernment and lack of high statesmanship of the earl of Leicester had caused faction to be rampant in the United Provinces; and on his return to England he left the country without organized forces or experienced generals to,In practice individualism is chiefly concerned to,Even then he was long delayed by the want of monitors with which to,Dublin was captured, and the high-king Niall Glundub (910-919) prepared to,The Butlers returned to their allegiance, but continued to,The " black oath," which bound those who took it never to,In February 1902 Lord Rosebery definitely repudiated Home Rule, and steps to,A party separate from the regular Opposition, and known as the "Party of the Right," was formed to,When the Boers rose in revolt in December 1880 they occupied Laing's Nek to,Above all, he had secured the future by associating his son Robert with him on the throne; and although the nobles and the archbishop of Reims were disturbed by this suspension of the feudal right of election, and tried to,When they subsequently eluded the conditions imposed by the states, the deputiesnobles, clergy and burgessesshowed their incapacity, to,it forced every patriotic ruler of England to,If its leaders had acted together, in, combination with the nobles, the Comuneros could have imposed their own terms, for there was no royal army to,The Republicans entered the place he left vacant simply because there was nobody to,The premier not only approved Sagastas efforts to gather round him as many Liberals and Democrats as possible, but did not even,He had a seat in the parliament of Erfurt, but only went there in order to,Bismarck, however, once more was obliged to,The possibility of the existence of evil spirits, organized under one leader Satan to tempt man and,Meanwhile he had been sent to Paris in 1867 to,His strong conservative tendencies led him to,He returned in May 1627 with 7000 men, which raised his forces to 14,000, against which Koniecpolski could only,His demeanor countenances not only the murder of white farmers, but also of his own people if they,Simon Hopkins wrote: I think the majority (especially if you include undergrads and fellows) would,amnesty for asylum seekers as well as continuing to,antivivisection movement is not peculiar to those who,But the former health secretary Frank Dobson says another 75 backbenchers,believe in freedom of speech and contract, and,bicameral parliament, the bans will severely limit the options for Russians who,Everyone hopes for the unity of peace-loving people to fight and,Then again I wouldn't be so churlish as to,Owing to the temporary debility of all the adult warriors of Ulster, the seventeen-year-old CuChulain undertakes to,Undoubtedly there are some people who have made a conscious decision to,erupted when an opportunity arose to support or,It does not give a fig for the vast majority who,Most countries do n't fluoridate Most European governments,Along with the efforts of others Cooper worked to try to establish a new united opposition grouping in parliament to,February 2001 Expenses action starts Action to,The real alternative is a new mass party of the working class, pledged to,We must continue to demand socialist policies and,Physician assisted suicide Doctors at the ARM voted to,The Liberal Party believes that honesty compels one to,Now, these two luminaries are objects of veneration to the African tribes, and they determined to,sceptre 2 - God will expand Jesus ' mighty scepter or reign in ever widening circles until no foe remains to,The Quakers were one of the first faith communities to,Many redactional aims are not only theological but also sociological in the sense that the author attempts to,There are questions which remain unasked by those who,He will go on to wage unrestricted warfare against all who,Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin and the ABPI,On the 27th of February 1458 the estates of Bohemia unanimously chose Podebrad as king; even the adherents of the Austrian party voted for him, not wishing at that moment to,The Goths having meanwhile reconquered Italy, Belisarius was despatched with utterly inadequate forces to,The constitutions and rituals of these secret orders have declarations of principles, of which the following are characteristic: to protect and succour the weak and unfortunate, especially the widows and orphans of Confederate soldiers; to protect members, of the white race in life, honour and property from the encroachments of the blacks; to,It had made an attempt, though a weak one, to,to meet Thiers at the opening of the Mont Cenis tunnel (a refusal not unconnected with offensive language employed at Florence in October 1870 by Thiers during his European tour, and with his instructions to the French minister to remain absent from Victor Emmanuels official entry into Rome) had wounded the amour propre of the French statesman, and had decreased whatever inclination he might otherwise have felt to,Verus, originally a man of considerable courage and ability, was sent to,viii.

Some delegates have indicated they 1. He opposed our decision. Despite attaining freedom from imprisonment, Ongpin remained opposed against the United States'occupation of the Philippines. How to use oppose in a sentence.

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