Khurshud Huseynova

Khurshud Huseynova
Pulmonary Med. – INTERACT
Khurshud studied at Nakhchivan High School No. 12 (1996-2007) and then graduated from Azerbaijan Medical University (2013). Following her first years of experience, she worked as a general practitioner at Başkent University Hospital in 2016. In 2015-2017, Khurshud successfully passed the Level Determination, Foreign Language, and Medical Specialization exams and started her specialty training at Hacettepe University, Department of Chest Diseases and continues to work there to date. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Azerbaijan in 2020, she served as a consultant physician in REACT C-19, a project of the World Health Organization, she was responsible for the follow-up of up-to-date academic publications for the entire project, evaluation of evidence for direct action, daily follow-up of the teams’ activities in the field work.
She took a leading role in the preparation and presentation of training, reporting and health professionals. In the same year, upon the call of the Ministry of Health, she worked at the Yeni Klinika hospital in Azerbaijan within the framework of the pandemic response. The Early Career Task Group of the Turkish Thoracic Society, of which she is a member, is in the MECOR task group. Among her active academic activities, she participated in courses and congresses such as Thorax Radiology Symposium, Cystic Fibrosis Symposium, innovations in ILD, Turkish Thoracic Society Chest Diseases Winter School, Turkish Thoracic Society 23rd Annual Congress (online). “Coronavirus (COVID-19); Where Did It Come From, Where Will It Go?”, “Clinical implications of fungal isolation from sputum in adult patients with cystic fibrosis,” “COVID-19 related: 5 case reports”, presented and published on her particular areas of interest with his papers such as “A Case of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer Presenting with ADH Syndrome”. In 2021, she attended a diction and effective speaking course with Erdoğan Arikan in terms of personal development and received her certificate. He received the Valuematch/ Spiral Dynamics Practitioner certificate in 2021 in order to contribute to his medical career, those who are at the beginning of this career, and health change and transformation projects. There is the AZAAD working group, where I manage a multi-centered study, which we established with Azerbaijani physicians in 2019. Thesis location: The prevalence of allergic rhinitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and affecting factors in Azerbaijan. A study conducted in 4 centers Evaluation of the prevalence of allergic rhinitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and affecting factors in Azerbaijan.
Inauguration of AZAAD –> Azerbaijan asthma and Allergy Diseases. We started it with the mentorship of Ali Fuat Kalyoncu and Ahmet Uğur Demir.